owners manual Suzuki SX4 S-Cross
owners manual Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - year of production: 2013 - Suzuki SX4 S Cross owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Suzuki SX4 S-Cross, year of production 2013:
4) When routing the top strap, be sure to To determine if your vehicle is equipped These conditions are not harmful and do
pass the top strap as shown in the illus-with a seat belt pretensioner system at the not indicate a fire in the vehicle.
tration. (Refer to "Head Restraints" sec-front seating positions, check the label on The driver and all passengers must be
tion for details on how to raise or lower the front seat belt at the bottom part. If the properly restrained by wearing seat belts
the head restraint.) letters "p" and/or "PRE" appear as illus-at all times, whether or not a pretensioner
trated, your
5) Make sure that cargo does not interfere vehicle is equipped with the is equipped at their seating position, to
with routing of the top strap. seat belt pretensioner system. You can use minimize the risk
the pretensioner seat belts in the same of severe injury or death
Seat Belt Pretensioner System manner as ordinary seat belts. in the event of a crash.
Read this section and the "Supplemental Sit fully back in the seat; sit up straight; do
Restraint System (air bags)" section to not lean forward or sideways. Adjust the
learn more about the pretensioner system. belt so the lap portion of the belt is worn
The seat belt pretensioner system works low across the pelvis, not across the waist.
with the SUPPLEMENTAL Please refer to the "Seat Adjustment" sec-
SYSTEM (Air Bags). The crash sensors tion and the instructions and precautions
and the electronic controller of the air bag about the seat belts in this "Seat Belts and
system also control the seat belt preten-Child Restraint Systems" section for details
sioners. The pretensioners are triggered on proper seat and seat belt adjustments.
only when there is a frontal or side crash
severe enough to trigger the air bags and Please note that the pretensioners along
the seat belts are fastened. For precau-with the air bags will activate in severe
tions and general information including frontal or side collisions. They are not
servicing the pretensioner system, refer to designed to activate
the "Supplemental Restraint System (air in rear impacts, roll-
bags)" section in addition to this "Seat Belt overs, or minor frontal collisions. The pre-
Pretensioner System" section, and follow tensioners can be activated only once. If
A WARNING all those precautions. the pretensioners are activated (that is, if
the air bags are activated), have the pre-
This section of the owner's manual is located in each front tensioner system serviced by an autho-
The pretensioner rized SUZUKI dealer as soon as possible.
describes your SUZUKI's SEAT BELT seat belt retractor. The pretensioner tight-
PRETENSION ER SYSTEM. Please ens the seat belt so the belt fits the occu-If the "AIR BAG" light on the instrument
read and follow ALL these instruc-pant's body more snugly in the event of a cluster does not blink or come on briefly
tions carefully to minimize your risk frontal or side crash. The retractors will when the ignition switch is turned to the
of severe injury or death. remain locked after the pretensioners are "ON" position or the engine switch is
activated. Upon activation, some noise will pressed to change the ignition mode to
occur and some smoke may be released.

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year of production from: 2013

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instrukcja obsługi Suzuki SX4 S Cross Suzuki SX4 S Cross owners manual
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