owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
Automatic transmission the“8.Maintenanceanddo-it-yourself”Charge warning light
check warning light section. If the light comes on while the engine is
When the ignition switch is turned ON, 2. If the brake fluid level is correct:running, it may indicate the charging sys-
the light comes on for 2 seconds. If theHave the warning system checked bytem is not functioning properly. Turn the
light blinks for approximately 8 seconds,an INFINITI dealer.engine off and check the generator belt.
it may indicate the transmission is not If the belt is loose, broken, missing or if
functioning properly. Have your INFINITIWARNING the light remains on, see your INFINITI
dealer check and repair the transmission. dealer immediately.
or Brake warning O Your brake system may not be workingCAUTION
light properly if the warning light is on. Driv-
This light functions for both the parkinging could be dangerous. If you judge itDo not continue driving if the generator
brake and the foot brake systems.to be safe, drive carefully to the nearestbelt is loose, broken or missing.
service station for repairs. Otherwise,
Parking brake indicator: have your vehicle towed because
When the ignition key is in the ON posi-driving it could be dangerous.Door open warning light
tion, the light comes on when the parkingO Pressing the brake pedal with the en-This light comes on when any of the
brake is applied. gine stopped and/or low brake fluiddoors are not closed securely while the
Low brake fluid warning light:level may increase your stopping dis-ignition key is ON.
tance and braking will require greaterEngine oil pressure warning
When the ignition key is in the ON posi-pedal effort as well as pedal travel.
tion, the light warns of a low brake fluid light
level. If the light comes on while the en-O If the brake fluid level is below the
gine is running with the parking brake notMINIMUM or MIN mark on the brakeThis light warns of low engine oil pres-
applied, stop the vehicle and perform thefluid reservoir, do not drive until thesure. If the light flickers or comes on dur-
following: brake system has been checked at aning normal driving, pull off the road in a
INFINITI dealer. safe area, stop the engine immediately
1. Check the brake fluid level. Add brake and call an INFINITI dealer or other au-
fluid as necessary. See “Brake fluid” in thorized repair shop.
Instruments and controls 2-11
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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