owners manual Hyundai Getz
owners manual Hyundai Getz - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Hyundai Getz omistajan kasikirja FI
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Getz, year of production 2002 - 2011:
B265A01B-GAT These indicators show the temperature B900A01A-GAT
Fuel Filter Warning of the engine coolant when the ignition ACOUSTIC WARNING SOUND
Light-Red (Diesel Engine) switch is ON. Red indicator illuminates (If Installed)
This light illuminates when the ignition if the temperature of the engine coolant The acoustic warning chime sounds
is above 120±3°C (393±5.5°F).
switch is set to the "ON" position and when the tail lights are on and the door
Blue indicator Illuminates if the tem-
goes off after the engine has started. Ifperature of the engine coolant is below in driver side is open. This prevents the
it lights up while the engine is running,60±3°C (140±5.5°F). battery from discharging when the car
it indicates that water has accumu- is left with the tail lights on. The chime
If the red indicator illuminates, pull over
lated inside the fuel filter. If this hap- sounds until the tail lights are turned
and stop as soon as possible and turn
pens, remove the water from the fuel off.
filter. (Refer to "6-28 page") off the engine. Then open the hood and
check the coolant level (See "If the
engine overheats" on the page 3-4.) and B270A01A-AAT
the water pump drive belt. If you sus- BRAKE PAD WEAR WARNING
B290A01TB-AAT pect cooling system trouble, have your SOUND
Engine Coolant Tempera- cooling system checked by a Hyundai
ture Indicator dealer as soon as possible. The front disc brake pads have wear
indicators that should make a high-
! NOTE: when new pads are needed. The soundpitched squealing or scraping noise
WARNING: If the red engine temperature indica- may come and go or be heard all the
Never remove the radiator cap when tor illuminates, it indicates overheat- time when the vehicle is moving. It
the engine is hot. The engine cool- ing that may damage the engine. may also be heard when the brake
ant is under pressure and could
erupt and cause severe burns. Wait pedal is pushed down firmly. Exces-
until the engine is cool before re- sive rotor damage will result if the worn
moving the radiator cap. pads are not replaced. See your
Hyundai dealer immediately.
TBENG_1A.P65 56 7/29/2005, 10:36 AM
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year of production from: 2002
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Hyundai Getz omistajan kasikirja
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Hyundai Getz omistajan kasikirja
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