owners manual BMW M4
owners manual BMW M4 - year of production: 2014 - BMW M4 F82 F84 Coupe M Power owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW M4, year of production 2014:
Seite 64
Controls Driving
and downward inclines, further secure the ve‐is available when the vehicle is traveling faster
hicle, e.g., by turning the steering wheel in thethan about 3 mph, approx. 5 km/h.
direction of the curb.◀
Engine stop
Before driving into a car wash The engine is switched off automatically dur‐
ing a stop under the following conditions:
So that the vehicle can roll into a car wash ob‐
serve instructions for going into an automaticM double-clutch transmission:
car wash, refer to page 205.
▷ The selector lever is in selector lever posi‐
tion D.
M double-clutch transmission
▷ Brake pedal remains depressed while the
vehicle is stopped.
Switching off the engine
▷ The driver's safety belt is buckled or the
1. Apply the brakes until the vehicle comes to
driver's door is closed.
a stop.
Manual transmission:
2. Press the Start/Stop button.
▷ Neutral is engaged and the clutch pedal is
The engine is switched off.
not pressed.
The radio-ready state is switched on.
▷ The driver's safety belt is buckled or the
3. Set the parking brake.
driver's door is closed.
The air flow from the air conditioner is reduced
Manual transmission
when the engine is switched off.
Switching off the engine
Displays in the instrument cluster
1. With the vehicle at a standstill, press the
The READY display in the tach‐
Start/Stop button.
ometer signals that the Auto
2. Shift into first gear or reverse.
Start/Stop function is ready to
3. Set the parking brake.
start the engine automatically.
The display indicates that the
Auto Start/Stop function
conditions for an automatic en‐
gine stop have not been met.
The concept
The Auto Start/Stop function helps save fuel.
The system switches off the engine during a
stop, e.g., in traffic congestion or at traffic
Functional limitations
lights. The ignition remains switched on. The
The engine is not switched off automatically in
engine starts again automatically for driving
the following situations:
▷ External temperature too low.
Automatic mode ▷ The external temperature is high and auto‐
matic climate control is running.
After every start of the engine using the Start/
Stop button, the Auto Start/Stop function is in▷ The car's interior has not yet been heated
the last selected state, refer to page 66. or cooled to the required level.
When the Auto Start/Stop function is active, it
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 960 786 - II/15

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year of production from: 2014

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manual BMW M4 BMW M4 F82 F84 Coupe M Power owners manual
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manual BMW M4 BMW M4 F82 F84 Coupe M Power owners manual
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