owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Safety and Security
Driving safety systems
Adaptive Brake Lights (CL 600 and BAS Warning! G
The Brake Assist System (BAS) operates in
The brake lamps flash in quick intervals emergency situations. If you apply the The BAS cannot prevent the natural laws of
while you are braking in order to signal to brakes very quickly, the BAS automatically physics from acting on the vehicle, nor can
cars behind you that provides full brake boost, thereby poten-it increase braking efficiency beyond that af-
you are braking strongly at a speed of tially reducing the braking distance.forded by the condition of the vehicle brakes
more than 30 mph (50 km/h) Apply continuous full braking pressure and tires or the traction afforded. The BAS
until the emergency braking situation is cannot prevent accidents, including those
you are braking with the aid of BAS or over. resulting from excessive speed in turns, fol-
BAS Plus* lowing another vehicle too closely, or hydro-
If you bring the car to a complete stop by The ABS will prevent the wheels from planing. Only a safe, attentive, and skillful
hard braking at a speed of more than locking. driver can prevent accidents.
40 mph (70 km/h), the hazard warning When you release the brake pedal, the The capabilities of a BAS equipped vehicle
flasher automatically comes on as soon as brakes function again as normal. The BAS must never be exploited in a reckless or dan-
the vehicle is at a standstill. While the vehi-is then deactivated.gerous manner which could jeopardize the
cle is stationary, the brake lamps are con- user’s safety or the safety of others.
tinuously lit up. Warning! G
Once you drive faster than 6 mph For more information, see “Practical hints”
section (
(10 km/h) afterward, the hazard warning When the BAS is malfunctioning, the brake page566).
flasher goes out. system is still functioning normally, but with-
out the additional brake boost available that
BAS would normally provide in an emergen-
cy braking maneuver. Therefore, the braking
distance may increase.

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year of production from: 2006

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