owners manual Peugeot 1007
owners manual Peugeot 1007 - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Peugeot 1007 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 1007, year of production 2004 - 2009:
164 - Practical information - 165
BATTERY To start the vehicle from After every reconnection of the bat-
another battery: tery, switch on the ignition and wait
To charge the battery using - Connect the red cable to the posi-1 minute before starting to allow the
a battery charger: tive (+) terminals of the two batter-electronic systems to be initialised. If
ies, slight dificulties are experienced af-
- Disconnect the battery, - Connect one end of the green or ter this, please contact a PEUGEOT
- Follow the instructions for use black cable to the negative (-) ter-dealer.
given by the battery charger manu-minal of the slave battery B,
facturer, - Connect the other end of the green
- Reconnect starting with the nega-or black cable to an earth point C
tive (-) terminal, on the broken down vehicle as far The batteries contain harm-
- Check that the terminals and con-as possible from the battery,ful substances such as sul-
nectors are clean. If they are cov-- Operate the starter, let the engine phuric acid and lead. They
ered with sulphate (white or greenish run, must be disposed of in ac-
deposit), disconnect them and clean - Wait for the engine to return to idle, cordance with regulations and must
them. then disconnect the cables. never be discarded with household
It is advisable to disconnect Take used remote control and vehi-
the battery if the vehicle is cle batteries to a special collection
not to be used for a period point.
of more than one month.
Before disconnecting the
battery, you must wait for RUNNING OUT OF FUEL
2 minutes after switching
off the ignition. (DIESEL)
Never disconnect a terminal when If you should run out of fuel, it is
the engine is running. necessary to re-prime the circuit:
Never charge a battery without irst - ill the fuel tank with at least ive
disconnecting the terminals. litres of diesel,
A. Flat battery Close the windows, the sunroof and - squeeze and release the manual
B. Slave battery the doors before disconnecting the re-priming pump, under the bonnet
C. Metal point (earth) on the battery. If they do not operate normally under the protective cover, until fuel
broken down vehicle following reconnection of the battery, appears in the transparent pipe,
they must be reinitialised (see sections - operate the starter until the engine
"Sesame doors" and "Sunroof").starts.
01-10-2005 01-10-2005

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year of production from: 2004

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Peugeot 1007 owners manual
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