owners manual Mazda RX-8
owners manual Mazda RX-8 - year of production: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Mazda RX 8 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda RX-8, year of production 2003 - 2012:
RX-8_8T69-EA-04G_Edition1 Page67
Wednesday, June 9 2004 2:11 PM
Black plate (67,1)
Inside Trunk Release Slide WARNING
Your vehicle is equipped with an insideOpenTrunkLidandChildren:
trunk release slide lever that provides aLeaving the trunk lid open or leaving
means of escape for children and adults inchildren in the vehicle with the keys is
the event they become locked inside thedangerous. Children could open the
trunk. trunk lid and climb inside resulting in
possible injury or death from heat
Nomatter how careful adults might be exposure. Close the trunk lid and do
with keys and locking their cars, parentsnot allow children to play inside the
should be aware that children may be vehicle.
tempted to play around vehicles and useUnattended Children and Pets:
the trunk as a hiding place. Leaving children or animals
Adults are advised to familiarize unattended in a parked vehicle is
themselves with the operation and dangerous. Babies left sleeping and
location of the inside trunk release slidekids who lock themselves in cars or
lever so that all children can be told abouttrunks can die very quickly from heat
it in an appropriate way, keeping in mindprostration. Don't leave your children
that most vehicles don't have such levers.or pets alone in a car at any time.
Don't leave the car or the trunk
unlocked. Always keep the car from
being a tempting place to play by
locking doors and the trunk, and
keeping the keys where children won't
play with them.
Form No.8T69-EA-04G
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year of production from: 2003
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