owners manual KIA Carens
owners manual KIA Carens - year of production: 2013 - KIA Carens III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Carens, year of production 2013:
Features of your vehicle
WARNING - Refueling WARNING - Refueling (Continued)
If pressurized fuel sprays out, dangers Do not get back into a vehicle
it can cover your clothes or once you have begun refuel-
Automotive fuels are flammableing since you can generate
skin and thus subject you to
materials.When refueling, pleasestatic electricity by touching,
the risk of fire and burns.
note the following guidelines
Always remove the fuel cap rubbing or sliding against any
carefully. Failure to follow theseitem or fabric (polyester, satin,
carefully and slowly. If the capguidelines may result in severenylon,etc.) capable of produc-
is venting fuel or if you hear apersonal injury, severe burns oring static electricity. Static
hissing sound, wait until the
death by fire or explosion.electricity discharge can
condition stops before com-
Read and follow all warning
pletely removing the cap. ignite fuel vapors resulting in
. posted at the gas station facilityrapid burning. If you must re-
Do not "top off" after the noz- enter the vehicle, you should
Before refueling note the loca-
zle automatically shuts off once again eliminate poten-
tion of the Emergency
when refueling. Gasoline Shut-Off,if available,tially dangerous static elec-
Always check that the fuel capat the gas station facility.tricity discharge by touching a
is installed securely to pre- metal part of the vehicle, away
Before touching the fuel noz-
vent fuel spillage in the event from the fuel filler neck, noz-
zle,you should eliminate
of an accident. zle or other gasoline source.
potentially dangerous static
electricity discharge by touch- (Continued)
ing another metal part of the
vehicle, a safe distance away
from the fuel filler neck, noz-
zle, or other gas source.
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year of production from: 2013
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KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
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KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
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