owners manual BMW 1 E87
owners manual BMW 1 E87 - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - BMW 1 E87 convertible owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW 1 E87, year of production 2004 - 2011:
Technology for driving comfort and safety
Park Distance Control PDC* > If you remain in front of an object that has
been detected by only one of the corner
The concept sensors
The PDC assists you with maneuvering in tight > If you are driving parallel to a wall
parking spaces. Acoustic signals warn you of
the presence of an object behind your vehi-Malfunction
cle.Four ultrasonic sensors in the bumper mea-The indicator lamp in the instrument
sure the distance. cluster comes on. PDC is malfunc-
An acoustic warning does not sound until an tioning.Have the system checked.
object is closer than approx. 2 ft/60 cm to the To avoid this problem, keep the sensors clean
corner sensors, or closer than approx. 5 ft/and free of ice or snow in order to ensure that
1.50m to the center sensors. they will continue to operate effectively. When
PDC is a parking aid that can indicate using a high-pressure cleaner, do not direct the
objects when they are approached jet toward the sensors for lengthy periods and
slowly, as is usually the case when parking. only spray from a distance of at least 4 in/10 cm.
Avoid approaching an object at high speed, oth-
erwise physical circumstances may lead to the System limitations
system warning being issued too late<.Even with PDC, final responsibility for
estimating the distance between the
Switching on automatically vehicle and any obstructions always remains
With the engine running or the ignition switched with the driver. Even when sensors are pro-
on, the system is activated after approx. 1 sec- vided, there is a blind spot in which objects can
ond when you engage reverse gear or move the no longer be detected. The system is also sub-
automatic transmission selector lever to ject to the physical limits that apply to all forms
position R. Wait this short period before driving.of ultrasonic measurement, such as those
encountered with trailer towbars and hitches,
Switching off automatically thin or wedge-shaped objects, etc. Low objects
After approx. 55 yd/50 m of driving or above that have already been displayed, e.g. curbs,
can disappear again from the detection area of
Technology for driving comfort and safetyapprox. 20 mph/30 km/h, the system switches
off and the LED goes out. the sensors before or after a continuous tone
sounds. Higher, protruding objects, e.g. ledges,
Signal tones cannot be detected. Loud sound sources out-
side or inside the car can drown out the PDC
When nearing an object, its position is indicated signal. Therefore, always drive cautiously, oth-
correspondingly by an interval tone. As the dis-erwise there is a risk of personal injury or prop-
tance between vehicle and object decreases, erty damage.<
the intervals between the tones become
shorter. If the distance to the nearest object
falls to below roughly 1 ft/30 cm, then a contin-Driving stability control
uous tone sounds. systems
An interval tone is interrupted after approx.
3seconds: Your BMW has a number of systems that help
to maintain the vehicle's stability even in
adverse driving conditions.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 600 853 - © 08/08 BMW AG
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year of production from: 2004
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