owners manual Peugeot 807
owners manual Peugeot 807 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - Peugeot 807 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 807, year of production 2002 - 2014:
84 YOUR 807 IN DETAIL 85
This child seat can also be used on
seats which are not itted with ISOFIX
mountings. In this case, it is compul-
sory to secure it to the vehicle's seat
using the three-point seat belt.
In the front, in the "rear-facing" posi-
tion, the front passenger seat must
be moved as far forward as possible
so that the body of the child seat is
in contact with, or is as close as pos-
sible to, the fascia.
When the ISOFIX KIDDY child seat
The ISOFIX child seat approved is itted in the "rear facing" posi-
"ISOFIX" MOUNTINGS for PEUGEOT vehicles and sold by tion on the front passenger seat,
The two rear side seats of your vehi-PEUGEOT dealers is the ISOFIX it is imperative that the passenger
cle are itted with ISOFIX mountings. KIDDY* child seat. air bag is diarmed.
These are two rings located between It can be itted in the "rear-facing" Follow the instructions for itting
the seat back and the seat cushion.position from birth to 13 kg and in the the child seat given in the seat man-
The ISOFIX child seats are itted with "forwards-facing" position from 9 kg ufacturer's instruction booklet.
two locks which are secured easily on to 18 kg.
these rings. In the "forwards facing" position, it is For information regarding the ISOFIX
Fitting a child seat in a vehicle incor-imperative that the front passenger child seats approved for your vehicle,
rectly compromises the child's pro-seat is in the intermediate longitudi-contact your PEUGEOT dealer.
tection in the event of a collision.nal position, seat back upright.
This ISOFIX mounting system guar-In the "rear-facing" position, the front
antees reliable, safe and fast itting of passenger seat must be adjusted so
the child seat in your vehicle.that the body of the child seat is in con-
tact with the back of the vehicle's seat.
The ISOFIX KIDDY child seat must
not be installed on the 3rd row rear
side seats.
* You can only it ISOFIX child seats
approved by PEUGEOT on your
vehicle's ISOFIX mountings.

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year of production from: 2002

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