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from owners manual to the vehicle Fiat Tipo, year of production 2015:
Following a deactivation, the system willcollision, but permits more dynamicmessageappears on the display. This
not warn the driver about the possibledriving of the vehicle.generally occurs in the event of poor
collision with the preceding vehicle.With the system sensitivity set to "Far",visibility, such as when it is snowing or
The system deactivation status will notthe system will warn the driver of araining heavily.
be stored when the engine is switchedpossible collision with the vehicle inThe system can also be temporarily
off: if the system is deactivated whenfront when that vehicle is at a greaterdimmedduetoobstructions such as
the engine is switched off, it will bedistance, thus providing the possibilitymud, dirt or ice on the bumper. In such
active when it is next started.of acting on the brakes more lightly andcases, a dedicated message will be
This function is not active at a speedgradually. This setting provides theshownonthedisplay and the system
lower than 7 km/h or higher thandrivers with the maximum possiblewill be deactivated. This message can
200km/h. reaction time to prevent a potentialsometimes appear in conditions of high
The system is only active if:accident.reflectivity (e.g. tunnels with reflective
it is correctly activated through theChanging the setting to “Med”, thetiles or ice or snow). When the
Menu; system warns the driver of a possibleconditions limiting the system functions
the ignition device is at MAR;collision with the vehicle in front when itend, this will go back to normal and
the vehicle speed is between 7 andis at a standard distance, between thatcomplete operation.
200km/h; of the other two settings. The systemIn certain particular cases, this
the front seat belts are fastened.sensitivity setting is kept in the memorydedicated message could be displayed
Changingthesystemsensitivitywhentheengine is switched off.whentheradar is not detecting any
The sensitivity of the system can beSystemfailure signallingvehicles or objects within its view range.
changed through the Menu, choosingIf the system switches off and aIf atmospheric conditions are not the
from one of the following three options:dedicated message is shown on thereal reason behind this message, check
"Near", "Med" or "Far". See thedisplay, it means that there is a fault onif the sensor is dirty. It could be
description in the Uconnect 5" o 7"the system.necessary to clean or remove any
HDsupplementfor how to change theIn this case, it is still possible to driveobstructions in the area illustrated in
settings. the vehicle, but you are advised tofig. 53.
The pre-set option is "Near". With thiscontact a Fiat Dealership as soon asIf the message appears often, even in
setting, the system will warn the driverpossible.the absence of atmospheric conditions
of a possible collision with the vehicle insuch as snow, rain, mud or other
front when it is close. This setting offersRadarindication not availableobstructions, contact a Fiat Dealership
the driver a lower reaction timeIf conditions are such that the radarfor a sensor alignment check.
compared to the "Med" and "Far"cannot detect obstacles correctly, theIn the absence of visible obstructions,
settings, in the event of a potentialsystem is deactivated and a dedicatedcleaning the radar surface, by manually
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