owners manual Toyota Camry
owners manual Toyota Camry - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Camry VI 6 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Camry, year of production 2001 - 2006:
’05Camry_U (L/O 0409)
In response to a severe side impact, the CAUTION Do not allow anyone to lean his/her
SRS side airbags and curtain shield air- head or any part of his/her body
bags work with the seat belts to helpThe SRS side airbag and curtainagainst the door or the area of the
reduce injury by inflating. The SRS sideshield airbag system is designedseat, pillar, rear pillar or roof side
airbags help reduce injuries mainly to theonly as a supplement to the prima-rail from which the SRS side airbag
driver’s or front passenger’s chest and thery protection of the driver, frontand curtain shield airbag deploy
SRS curtain shield airbags help reducepassenger and rear outside passen-even if he/she is a child seated in
injuries mainly to the driver’s, front pas-ger seat belt systems. To ensurethe child restraint system. It is dan-
senger’s or rear outside passenger’s head.
The SRS side airbag on the passengermaximum protection in an accident,gerous if the SRS side airbag and
the driver and all passengers in thecurtain shield airbag inflate, and the
seat will not activate if there is no pas-
senger sitting in the front passenger seat.vehicle must wear their seat beltsimpact of the deploying airbag
However, the side airbag on the passen- properly. Wearing a seat belt prop-could cause death or serious injury
ger seat may deploy if luggage is put inerly during an accident reduces theto the occupant.
chances of death or serious injury
the seat, or the seat belt is buckled up
regardless of the presence of the occu-or being thrown out of the vehicle.
pant in the seat. (As for the front passen-For instructions and precautions
ger occupant classification system, seeconcerning the seat belt system,
“—Front passenger occupant classificationsee “Seat belts” on page 47 in this
system” on page 72 in this Section.)Section.
The SRS curtain shield airbag on the pas-
senger side are activated even with no
passenger in the front seat or rear outside
The SRS curtain shield airbags may acti-
vate even when the side airbags are not
Always wear your seat belt properly.
2005 CAMRY from Sep. ’04 Prod. (OM33684U)

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year of production from: 2001

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Toyota Camry VI 6 owners manual
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