owners manual Mercedes B
owners manual Mercedes B - year of production: 2011 - Mercedes Benz B Class W246 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes B, year of production 2011:
Driving safety systems 63
override the laws of physics. Driving safetyWhenABSismalfunctioning, other systems,
systems are merely aids designed to assistincluding driving safety systems, will also
driving. You are responsible for maintainingbecomeinoperative.Observetheinformation
speed, for braking in good time, and for stay-display messageswhichmaybeshowninthe
ing in lane. Always adapt your driving style toinstrument cluster (Y page 201).
suit the prevailing road and weather condi- ety
tions and maintain a safe distance from the
(8 km/h), regardless of road-surface condi-
vehicle in front. Drive carefully.
tions. ABS works on slippery surfaces, even
The driving safety systems described onlywhenyouonlybrakegently.
work as effectively as possible when there is
adequate contact between the tires and theBraking
road surface. Please pay special attention to
the notes on tires, recommended minimum
tire tread depths, etc. (Y page 300).
uation is over.
tires (M+S tires) and if necessary, snow
depress the brake pedal with full force.
chains. Only in this way will the driving safety
systems described in this section work asIf ABSinterveneswhenbraking,youwillfeela
effectively as possible. pulsing in the brake pedal.
The pulsating brake pedal can be an indica-
tion of hazardous road conditions, and func-
ABS(Anti-lock Braking System)
tions as a reminder to take extra care while
General information
ABSregulates brake pressure in such a way
that the wheels do not lock when you brake.BAS(BrakeAssistSystem)
This allows you to continue steering the vehi-
General information
cle when braking.
The!ABSwarninglampintheinstrument BASoperates in emergency braking situa-
clusterlightsupwhentheignitionisswitchedtions. If you depress the brake pedal quickly,
on. It goes out when the engine is running.BASautomatically boosts the braking force,
thus shortening the stopping distance.
Important safety notes
Important safety notes
tion (Y page 62). iObservethe"Importantsafetynotes"sec-
tion (Y page 62).
If ABS is faulty, the wheels could lock when
braking. The steerability and braking charac-If BAS is malfunctioning, the braking distance
teristics may be severely impaired. Addition-in an emergency braking situation is
ally, further driving safety systems are deac-increased. There is a risk of an accident.
tivated. There is an increased danger of skid-
In an emergency braking situation, depress
ding and accidents.
the brake pedal with full force. ABS prevents
Drive on carefully. Have ABS checked imme-the wheels from locking.
diately at a qualified specialist workshop.
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Mercedes Benz B Class W246 owners manual
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