owners manual Jeep Patriot
owners manual Jeep Patriot - year of production: 2006 - Jeep Patriot owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Patriot, year of production 2006:
Herearesometipsongettingthemostoutofyourchildnecessary to use a locking clip. The ALR will make a
restraint: ratcheting noise if you extract the entire belt from the
• Before buying any restraint system, make sure that itretractor and then allow the belt to retract into the
has a label certifying that it meets all applicable Safetyretractor. For additional information on ALR, refer to 2
Standards. We also recommend that you make sure“Automatic Locking Mode”.
that you can install the child restraint in the vehicle• In the rear seat, you may have trouble tightening the
where you will use it, before you buy it.lap/shoulder belt on the child restraint because the
• The restraint must be appropriate for your child’sbuckle or latch plate is too close to the belt path
weight and height. Check the label on the restraint foropening on the restraint. Disconnect the latch plate
weight and height limits. from the buckle and twist the short buckle end of the
belt several times to shorten it. Insert the latch plate
• Carefully follow the instructions that come with theinto the buckle with the release button facing out.
restraint. If you install the restraint improperly, it may• If the belt still can’t be tightened, or if pulling and
not work when you need it. pushing on the restraint loosens the belt, disconnect
The seat belts in the passenger seating positions arethe latch plate from the buckle, turn the latch plate
equipped with either an Automatic Locking Retractoraround, and insert the latch plate into the buckle
(ALR) or a cinching latch plate or both. Both types ofagain. If you still can’t make the child restraint secure,
seatbelts are designed to keep the lap portion of thetry a different seating position.
seat belt tight around the child restraint so that it is not
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year of production from: 2006
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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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