owners manual KIA Carens
owners manual KIA Carens - year of production: 2013 - KIA Carens III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Carens, year of production 2013:
Safety features of your vehicle
(Continued) (Continued) WARNING
In order to avoid unnecessary Luggage and other cargo
and perhaps severe air bashould be laid flat in the carggoAfter adjusting the seat, always
injuries, always sit as far backarea. If objects are large, heavy,check that it is securely locked
as possible from the steering or must be piled, they must beinto place by attempting to
move the seat forward or back-
wheel whilst maintainingsecured. Under no circum-
comfortable control of thestances should cargo be piledward without using the lock
release lever. Sudden or unex-
vehicle. It is recommendedhigher than the seatbacks.
that your chest is at least 250 Failure to follow these warningspected movement of the dri-
mm (10 inches) away from thecould result in serious injury orver's seat could cause you to
steering wheel. death in the event of a suddenlose control of the vehicle
stop, collision or rollover.resulting in an accident.
No passenger should ride in
WARNING - Rear the cargo area or sit or lie on
seatbacks folded seatbacks whilst the
vehicle is moving. All passen- Use extreme caution so that
The rear seatback must be
securely latched. If not, passen-gers must be properly seatedhands or other objects are not
in seats and restrained prop-
caught in the seat mechanisms
gers and objects could be
thrown forward resulting in seri-erly whilst riding.whilst the seat is moving.
ous injury or death in the event When resetting the seatback to Do not put a cigarette lighter on
of a sudden stop or collision.the upright position, make surethe floor or seat. When you
(Continued) it is securely latched by push-operate the seat, gas may gush
ing it forward and backwards out of the lighter and cause fire
3 4

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year of production from: 2013

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KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
pages 644 - 650
KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
page 647 / 1480
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