owners manual BMW X1 E84
owners manual BMW X1 E84 - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - BMW X1 E84 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X1 E84, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Seite 64
Controls Driving
Shifting gears using the shift paddles 3. Pull the sleeve up over the selector lever unѪ
on the steering wheel til the sleeve is inside out.
The shift paddles on the steering wheel allow
you to shift gears quickly while keeping both
hands on the steering wheel.
▷ When the shift paddles on the steering
wheel are used to shift gears while in autoѪ
matic mode, the transmission switches to
manual mode.
▷ If the shift paddles are not used to accelerate
or shift gears for a certain amount of time,
the transmission switches back to autoѪ 4. Using the screwdriver from the tool kit, refer
matic mode. to page 245, press the red lever while movѪ
ing the selector lever to the desired position
If the selector lever is in the M/S gear plane,
with the button pressed.
manual mode remains active.
Automatic transmission with
Steptronic, 8-gear
Transmission positions
D Drive, automatic position
Position for normal vehicle operation. All forѪ
ward gears are available.
▷ Shift up: briefly pull right shift paddle +.
Under normal operating conditions, fuel conѪ
▷ Shift down: briefly pull left shift paddle ѭ.
sumption is lowest when you are driving in poѪ
sition D.
The vehicle only shifts up or down at appropriate
engine and road speeds, e.g., it does not shift
down if the engine speed is too high. The seѪ
lected gear is briefly displayed in the instrumentKickdown is used to achieve maximum driving
panel, followed by the current gear. performance. Press on the accelerator beyond
the resistance point at the full throttle position.
Overriding selector lever lock
R is Reverse
If the selector lever is locked in position P alѪ
though the ignition is switched on, the brake isSelect only when the vehicle is stationary.
depressed, and the button on the selector lever
is pressed, the selector lever lock can be overѪ
N is Neutral
The vehicle can roll.
1. Switch off the ignition. N remains engaged after the engine is switched
off if the remote control remains in the ignition
2. Unclip the sleeve of the selector lever.
lock. This function can be used in an automatic
car wash, refer to page 259, for example. P is
automatically engaged after approx. 30 minutes.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 914 595 - VI/12
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year of production from: 2009
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manual BMW X1 E84 BMW X1 E84 owners manual
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manual BMW X1 E84 BMW X1 E84 owners manual
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