owners manual Infiniti FX
owners manual Infiniti FX - year of production: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 - Infiniti FX I owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti FX, year of production 2003 - 2008:
can be detected and cause the air bag tothis could cause the air bag to be turnedresult in air bag inflation, such as if a
turn OFF. The occupant classification sen-OFF. Always be sure to be seated and child is standing on the seat, or if two
sor operation can vary depending on thewearing the seat belt properly for the children are on the seat, contrary to the
front passenger seat belt sensors.most effective protection by the seat beltinstructions in this manual. Always be
The front passenger seat belt sensors areand supplemental air bag.sure that you and all vehicle occupants
are seated and restrained properly.
designed to detect if the seat belt is INFINITI recommends that pre-teens and
buckled and the amount of tension on thechildren be properly restrained in a rear Using the passenger air bag status light,
seat belt, such as when it is in the Auto-seat. INFINITI also recommends that ap-you can monitor when the front pas-
senger air bag is automatically turned OFF
matic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode (childpropriate child restraints and booster
restraint mode). Based on the weight onseats be properly installed in a rear seat.with the seat occupied. The light will not
the seat detected by the occupant classi-If this is not possible, the occupant clas-illuminate when the front passenger seat
fication sensor and the belt tension de- sification sensor and seat belt sensorsis unoccupied.
tected on the seat belt, the advanced airare designed to operate as describedIf an adult occupant is in the seat but the
bag system determines whether the frontabove to turn the front passenger air bag
passenger air bag should be automati-OFF for specified child restraints as re-passenger air bag status light is illumi-
cally turned OFF as required by the regu-quired by the regulations. Failing to prop-nated (indicating that the air bag is OFF),
lations. erly secure child restrains and to use theit could be that the person is a small
Front passenger seat adult occupants whoALR mode may allow the restraint to tip oradult, or is not sitting on the seat prop-
are properly seated and using the seat move in an accident or sudden stop. Thiserly or is not using the seat belt properly.
belt as outlined in this manual should notcan also result in the passenger air bag If a child restraint must be used in the
cause the passenger air bag to be auto-inflating in a crash instead of being OFF.front seat, the passenger air bag status
matically turned OFF. For small adults it See “Child restraints” earlier in this sec-light may or may not be illuminated, de-
may be turned OFF. However, if the occu-tion for proper use and installation.pending on the size of the child and the
pant takes his/her weight off the seat If the front passenger seat is not occu- type of child restraint being used. If the
cushion (for example, by not sitting up- pied, the passenger air bag is designed air bag status light is not illuminated (in-
right, by sitting on an edge of the seat, ornot to inflate in a crash. However, heavydicating that the air bag might inflate in a
by otherwise being out of position), this objects placed on the seat could result incrash), it could be that the child restraint
could cause the sensor to turn the air bagair bag inflation, because of the object’sor seat belt is not being used properly.
OFF. In addition, if the occupant improp-weight detected by the occupant classifi-
erly uses the seat belt in the ALR mode,cation sensor. Other conditions could also
1-48 Safety—Seats,seatbeltsandsupplementalrestraintsystem
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year of production from: 2003
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Infiniti FX I owners manual
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Infiniti FX I owners manual
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