owners manual BMW 3 E46
owners manual BMW 3 E46 - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 - BMW E46 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW 3 E46, year of production 1998 - 2007:
64 Vehicle Memory, Key Memory
How the system functions >Activating/deactivating the 'Follow
No doubt you have reflected at one me home' function, refer to page 94
time or another on how great it would >Activating/deactivating daytime driv-
be if you could permanently configure ing lamps, refer to page 94
your vehicle's various features and >Selecting units of measure for dis-
adjustments to mirror your own individ- playing time, outside temperature,
ual preferences. In engineering your distance traveled and fuel consump-
vehicle, BMW has provided for a num- tion in the instrument panel
ber of options for personal adjustment >When you shift into Reverse, an
that can be programmed into your vehi- acoustic signal indicates that PDC
cle at your BMW center. has been activated, refer to page 86
The available configuration data fall into >Switching on the rear window
two categories, according to whether Distinguishing between keysdefroster automatically, refer to
their primary orientation is the vehicle – Color-coded decals have been pro-pages 100, 105
Vehicle Memory – or the individual – vided to help you distinguish individual >Activates/deactivates various alarm
Key Memory. Provided that each per-keys with different settings.system functions, refer to page 42
son has a separate remote-control key, >Having the onboard computer display
you can have your BMW center enter What the system can do– after giving an ice warning – return to
basic adjustment data for up to four its previous setting, refer to page 84.
individuals in the system.You can learn about the entire array of Examples for Key Memory:
features this system offers at your BMW >Unlocking the driver's door first, then
The system then relies on a bilateral center. the vehicle's remaining locks, refer to
data exchange to identify the individual page 33
user and executes the selected settings You will see this symbol through->Locking the vehicle after pulling
whenever the remote control unit is out the Owner's Manual. It is to away, refer to page 37
used to disengage the door locks.remind you at appropriate places of the >Automatically repositioning of the
settings that are available to you.Various signals as acknowledgment >Automatic tilting of the passenger-
when locking or unlocking your vehi-side mirror, refer to Automatic curb
cle, refer to pages 33, 36monitor, page 54.
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year of production from: 1998
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BMW E46 owners manual
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