owners manual Chevrolet Suburban
owners manual Chevrolet Suburban - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Chevrolet GMC Suburban IX 9 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Suburban, year of production 2000 - 2006:
Where to Put the Restraint CAUTION: (Continued)
Accident statistics show that children are safer if they
are restrained in the rear rather than the front seat.Eventhoughthepassengersensingsystemis
General Motors recommends that child restraints
be secured in a rear seat, including an infant riding in adesignedtoturnoffthepassenger’sfrontalair
rear-facing infant seat, a child riding in a forward-facingbagifthesystemdetectsarear-facingchild
child seat and an older child riding in a booster seat.restraint, no system is fail-safe, and no one can
Your vehicle has a rear seat that will accommodateguaranteethatanairbagwillnotdeployunder
a rear-facing child restraint. A label on your sun visorsomeunusualcircumstance,eventhoughitis
says, ″Never put a rear-facing child seat in theturnedoff. General Motors recommendsthat
front.″ This is because the risk to the rear-facing child isrear-facing child restraints be secured in the
so great, if the air bag deploys.rear seat, even if the air bag is off.
If you secure a forward-facing child restraint in
{CAUTION: theright front seat, always move the front
Achild in a rear-facing child restraint can bebetter to secure the child restraint in a rear seat
seriously injured or killed if the right front.
passenger’s air bag inflates. This is becauseDo not use child restraints in the center front seat
the back of the rear-facing child restraintposition. The restraints will not work properly.
would be very close to the inflating air bag.Wherever you install it, be sure to secure the child
CAUTION: (Continued)restraint properly.
aroundinacollision or sudden stop and injure people in
the vehicle. Be sure to properly secure any child restraint
in your vehicle – even when no child is in it.

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year of production from: 2000

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