owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
The rev. counter shows engine rpm. The MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE
needle pointed to the danger area (red) in-This shows the amount of fuel left in theWARNING LIGHT
dicates excessive high engine speed. Do notfuel tank.
drive for long periods with the needle in thisThis warning light çcomes on to indicateThis shows the temperature of the engine
area. that approximately 7 litres of fuel are left incoolant fluid and begins when the fluid tem-
WARNING The electronic injection con-the tank. perature exceeds approx. 50°C.
trol system gradually shuts off the flow of The pointer should normally be towards
fuel when the engine is “over-revving” re-WARNINGUnder certain conditions
(heavy slopes, for instance), the reading onthe middle of the scale. If the pointer
sulting in a gradual loss of engine power. reaches the higher temperature values of
the gauge may differ from the actual
The rev counter may, when the engine isamount of fuel in the tank and changes inthe scale (red area), the request for vehi-
idling, indicate gradual or sudden increaselevel may be indicated late.cle performance should be decreased.
of engine revs as the case may be; such be-
GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR This condition falls within the operation log-The illumination of the warçning light
haviour is normal and must not be inter- (together with the message shown by the
preted as a faulty condition as it occurs dur-ics of the electronic control circuit to avoidInfocenter display) indicates an excessive
highly unstable readings due to swaying of
ing normal operation, for instance when temperature of the engine cooling fluid. In
climate control or electric fan are switchedthe fuel when travelling.this case, stop the car and contact Alfa
on. In particular, slow revs variation helpsWARNINGRefuelling shall always beRomeo Authorized Services.
keep the battery charged. performed with engine off and ignition keyWARNING The temperature of the en-
to STOP. If the engine is off but the key
is to MAR, a wrong fuel level could tem- gine coolant may rise towards the maximum
porarily be indicated. This is due to the in-values (red) when the vehicle is driven at
low speeds, especially when the ambient air
ternal system control logic and cannot be
considered as a system malfunctioning.temperature is high. In this case, the vehi-
cle should be stopped and the engine
switched off for a few minutes after which
the journey can be resumed, preferably at
a higher speed.

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year of production from: 1997

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