owners manual Volvo S90
owners manual Volvo S90 - year of production: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 - Volvo S90 V90 960 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo S90, year of production 1990 - 1998:
1998 Volvo S90
Volvo allows the use of the of fuel. Therefore, it is
following "oxygenated fuels"; advisable to refuel as soon as
however, the octane ratings possible when the needle nears
listed on this page must still be the red zone, or when the fuel
met. warning light comes on.
Driving economy pg. 56
Economical driving ● Remove snow tires when
conserves natural threat of snow or ice has ended.
● Note that roof racks, ski
Better driving economy may be racks, etc., increase air
obtained by thinking ahead, resistance and thereby fuel
avoiding rapid starts and stops consumption.
and adjusting the speed of your
vehicle to immediate traffic ● Avoid using automatic
conditions. Observe the transmission kick-down feature
following rules: unless necessary.
● Bring the engine to normal ● Avoid using the air
operating temperature as soon conditioning when it is not
as possible by driving with a required. When engaged, the
light foot on the accelerator air conditioner's compressor
pedal for the first few minutes places places an additional load
of operation. A cold engine on the engine. However, please
uses more fuel and is subject to note that fuel consumption is
increased wear. lower with the air conditioning
on than it is when driving with
● Whenever possible, avoid the air conditioning switched
using the car for driving short off and the windows down.
distances. This does not allow
the engine to reach normal Other factors which decrease
operating temperature. gas mileage are:
● Worn or dirty spark plugs
● Drive carefully and avoid ● Incorrect spark plug gap
rapid acceleration and hard ● Dirty air cleaner
braking. ● Dirty engine oil and clogged
oil filter
● Do not exceed speed limit. ● Dragging brakes
● Incorrect front end alignment
● Avoid carrying unnecessary
items (extra load) in the car.
Some of the above mentioned
● Check tire pressure regularly
file:///K|/ownersdocs/1998/1998_SV90/98S90_053.htm (4 of 6)12/30/2006 1:52:41 PM

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year of production from: 1990

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Volvo S90 V90 960 owners manual
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