owners manual Volvo XC40
owners manual Volvo XC40 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC40 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC40, year of production 2017:
If the car is equipped with extra equipment715/2007 (Euro 5 / Euro 6), 2017/1151 andRelated information
that affects its weight. 2017/1153. Since the driving cycles are also Type designations (p. 612)
Driving style. used for quality control, there are stringent Weights (p. 617)
• requirements for test repeatability. Testing is•
If the customer chooses wheels other than Economical driving (p. 428)
• therefore conducted in a controlled manner and•
those mounted as standard on the basic ver-only with the cars basic functions (e.g. air condi-
sion of the model, as this could increase roll-tioning, radio, etc. switched off). The results of the
ing resistance. official figures are therefore not naturally repre-
High speed causes increased air resistance.sentative of what the customer sees in actual
Fuel quality, road and traffic conditions,use.
weather and the condition of the car. The regulations cover the driving cycles "Urban
A combination of the examples above could driving" and "Motorway driving":
increase consumption considerably. Urban driving – the measurement starts
There may be huge deviations in fuel consump- with a cold start of the engine. The driving is
tion if comparing to the EU driving cycles (seesimulated.
below), which are used in the certification of theMotorway driving – the car is accelerated
car and on which consumption figures in the•
and braked at speed of 0-120 km/h
table are based. For further information, please(0-75 mph). The driving is simulated.
refer to the referenced regulations. The official value for mixed driving, which is
NOTE shown in the table, is a combination of the results
from the "Urban driving" and "Motorway driving"
Extreme weather conditions, driving with adriving cycles in accordance with legal require-
trailer or driving at high altitudes in combina-ments.
tion with fuel quality are factors that consider-To determine the carbon dioxide emissions (CO2
ably increase the cars fuel consumption.emissions) during the two driving cycles, the
exhaust gases were collected. These were then
EU driving cycles analysed to determine the value for CO emis-
The official fuel consumption figures are basedsions.
on two standardised driving cycles in a laboratory
environment ("EU driving cycles"), all in accord-
ance with EU Regulation no 692/2008 and

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC40 owners manual
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