owners manual Chevrolet Cruze
owners manual Chevrolet Cruze - year of production: 2008 - Chevrolet Cruze owners manuals EN
pdf (7.22 MB) 400 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Cruze, year of production 2008:
Chevrolet Cruze Owner Manual - 2012 Black plate (10,1)
3-10 Seats and Restraints
Safety Belts WARNING (Continued) WhySafety Belts Work
This section of the manual
describes how to use safety beltsIt is extremely dangerous to ride
properly. It also describes somein a cargo area, inside or outside
things not to do with safety belts.of a vehicle. In a collision,
{WARNING passengers riding in these areas
are more likely to be seriously
Donotlet anyone ride where ainjured or killed. Do not allow
safety belt cannot be worn passengers to ride in any area of
properly. In a crash, if you or yourthe vehicle that is not equipped
passenger(s) are not wearingwith seats and safety belts.
safety belts, injuries can be muchAlways wear a safety belt, and
worse than if you are wearingcheck that all passenger(s) areWhenriding in a vehicle, you travel
safety belts. You can be seriouslyrestrained properly too.as fast as the vehicle does. If the
injured or killed by hitting things vehicle stops suddenly, you keep
inside the vehicle harder or byThis vehicle has indicators as agoing until something stops you.
being ejected from the vehicle.reminder to buckle the safety belts.It could be the windshield, the
In addition, anyone who is notSeeSafety Belt Reminders oninstrument panel, or the safety belts!
buckled up can strike otherpage 5‑10for additional information.
passengers in the vehicle.
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year of production from: 2008
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