owners manual Jeep Liberty
owners manual Jeep Liberty - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 - Jeep Liberty Cherokee KJ owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Liberty, year of production 2002 - 2007:
• Whenyourchildrestraint is not in use, secure it in thealso have features for installation using the vehicle’s seat
vehicle with the seat belt or remove it from the vehicle.belts. Child restraints having tether straps and hooks for
Donotleaveitlooseinthevehicle.Inasuddenstoporconnection to the top tether anchorages have been avail-
collision, it could strike the occupants or seat backsable for some time. For some older child restraints, many
and cause serious personal injury.child restraint manufacturers offer add-on tether strap
LATCH—ChildSeatAnchorage System (Lowerkits or retro-fit kits. You are urged to take advantage of all
Anchors and Tether for CHildren)the available attachments provided with your child re-
Your vehicle’s rear seat is equipped with the childstraint in any vehicle.
restraint anchorage system called LATCH. The LATCHAll three rear seating positions have lower anchorages
system provides for the installation of the child restraintthat are capable of accommodating LATCH-compatible
without using the vehicle’s seat belts, instead securingchild seats having flexible, webbing-mounted lower at-
the child restraint using lower anchorages and uppertachments. Child seats with fixed lower attachments
tether straps from the child restraint to the vehiclemustbeinstalled in the outboard positions only. Regard-
structure. less of the specific type of lower attachment, NEVER
LATCH-compatiblechildrestraintsystemsarenowavail-install LATCH-compatible child seats such that two seats
able. However, because the lower anchorages are to beshare a commonloweranchorage.Ifinstallingchildseats
introduced over a period of years, child restraint systemsin adjacent rear-seating positions or if your child re-
havingattachmentsforthoseanchorageswillcontinuetostraints are not LATCH-compatible, install the restraints
using the vehicle’s seat belts.

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year of production from: 2002

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Jeep Liberty Cherokee KJ owners manual
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