owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Safety and Security
Occupant safety
size and weight of the child. Children can be If you must install a rear-facing child If you have to place a child in a for-
killed or seriously injured by an inflating air restraint on the front passenger seat be-ward-facing child restraint on the front
bag. Note the following important informa-cause circumstances require you to do passenger seat, move the seat as far
tion when circumstances require you to so, make sure that the 59 back as possible, use the proper child
place a child in the front passenger seat:indicator lamp is illuminated, indicating restraint recommended for the age, size
that the front passenger front air bag is and weight of the child, and secure child
Your vehicle is equipped with air bag deactivated. Should the restraint with the vehicle’s seat belt ac-
technology designed to turn off the front 59indicator lamp not illu-cording to the child seat manufacturer’s
passenger front air bag in your vehicle minate or go out while the restraint is in-instructions. For children larger than the
when the OCS senses the weight of a stalled, please check installation. typical 12-month-old child, the front
typical 12-month-old child or less along Periodically check the 59 passenger front air bag may or may not
with the weight of a standard indicator lamp while driving to make be activated ( page 48).
appropriate child restraint on the front sure the lamp is illuminated. If the
passenger seat. 59indicator lamp goes out
A child in a rear-facing child restraint on or remains out, do not transport a child Warning!G
the front passenger seat will be serious-on the front passenger seat until the
ly injured or even killed if the front system has been repaired. Infants and small children should never
passenger front air bag inflates in a A child in a rear-facing child restraint on share a seat belt with another occupant.
collision which could occur under some the front passenger seat will be serious-During an accident, they could be crushed
circumstances, even with the air bag ly injured or even killed if the front pas-between the occupant and seat belt.
technology installed in your vehicle. The senger front air bag inflates.
only means to completely eliminate this A child’s risk of serious or fatal injuries is
risk is to never place a child in a rear-fac- significantly increased if the child restraints
ing child restraint in the front seat. We are not properly secured in the vehicle
therefore strongly recommend that you and/or the child is not properly secured in
always place a child in a rear-facing the child restraint.
child restraint in the back seat.

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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