owners manual Jeep Patriot
owners manual Jeep Patriot - year of production: 2006 - Jeep Patriot owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Patriot, year of production 2006:
Event Data Recorder (EDR) In conjunction with other data gathered during a com-
In the event of an accident, your vehicle is designed toplete accident investigation, the electronic data may be
record up to five seconds of specific vehicle data param-usedbyChryslerLLCandotherstolearnmoreaboutthe
eters (see list below) in an event data recorder prior to thepossible causes of crashes and associated injuries in order
momentofairbag deployment, or near-deployment, andto assess and improve vehicle performance. In addition
up to a quarter second of high-speed deceleration datato crash investigations initiated by Chrysler LLC, such
during and/or after airbag deployment or near-investigations may be requested by customers, insurance
deployment. EDR data are ONLY recorded if an airbagcarriers, government officials, and professional crash
deploys, or nearly deploys, and are otherwise unavail-researchers, such as those associated with universities,
able. and with hospital and insurance organizations.
NOTE: In the event that an investigation is undertaken by
1. A near-deployment event occurs when the airbagChryslerLLC(regardlessofinitiative),thecompanyorits
sensor detects severe vehicle deceleration usually indica-designated representative will first obtain permission of
tive of a crash, but not severe enough to warrant airbagthe appropriate custodial entity for the vehicle (usually
deployment. the vehicle owner or lessee) before accessing the elec-
tronic data stored, unless ordered to download data by a
2. Under certain circumstances, EDR data may not becourt with legal jurisdiction (i.e., pursuant to a warrant).
recorded (e.g., loss of battery power). Acopyofthedatawillbeprovidedtothecustodialentity
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year of production from: 2006
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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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