owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
02 Locks and alarm
Keyless drive
Keyless drive (models with PersonalBoth of the PCCs provided with the vehicleLocking the vehicle
Car Communicator only) have the keyless function, and additional onesThe doors and the tailgate can be locked by
02 can be ordered. The system can accommo-pressing the lock button in any of the outside
Keyless locking and unlockingdate up to six PCCs. door handles.
The red rings in the illustration indicate the areaNOTE
around the vehicle covered by the keyless drive
antennas. On keyless drive vehicles, the gear selector
Unlocking the vehicle must be in the Park (P) position, all doors
• A keyless drive remote key must be on theand the tailgate must be closed and the igni-
tion must be switched off before the vehicle
same side of the vehicle as the door to becan be locked.
opened, and be within 5 feet (1.5 meters)
of the lock or the tailgate (see the shadedKeyless drive remote key and driver's
areas in the illustration).seat/door mirror memory
• Pull a door handle to unlock and open the• When you leave the vehicle with a PCC in
Range of the keyless drive remote key–5 ftdoor or pull the tailgate opening control.your possession and lock any door, the
(1.5 meters) The number of doors that are unlocked at theposition of the driver's seat will be stored
This system makes it possible to unlock andsame time can be set in the vehicle's menuin the seat's memory.
lock the vehicle without having to press anysystem, under Car settingsLock settings• The next time a door is opened by a person
buttons on the Personal Car CommunicatorsKeyless entry. See page 120 for a descrip-with the same PCC in his/her possession,
(PCC). It is only necessary to have a keylesstion of the menu system.the driver's seat and door mirrors will auto-
drive remote key in your possession to operate matically move to the position that they
the central locking system. NOTE were in when the door was most recently
NOTE If the PCC does not function normally (weak
battery, etc.), the vehicle can be unlocked
The buttons on the keyless drive remote keywith the detachable key blade, see
can also be used to lock and unlock thepage 57.
vehicle, see page 54 for more information.

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year of production from: 2007

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Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual
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