owners manual Mini Paceman
owners manual Mini Paceman - year of production: 2013 - Mini Paceman owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mini Paceman, year of production 2013:
nance and repair methods. Therefore, have the sories, may cause extensive damage to the vehi-
necessary work on your MINI only carried out by cle, compromise its safety, interfere with the
a MINI dealer or a workshop that has specially vehicle's electrical system or affect the validity of
trained personnel working in accordance with the MINI Limited Warranty. See your MINI dealer
the specifications of the MINI manufacturer. If for additional information.<
this work is not carried out properly, there is a Maintenance, replacement, or repair of
danger of subsequent damage and related the emission control devices and systems
safety hazards.< may be performed by any automotive repair
Parts and accessories establishment or individual using any certified
automotive part.<
For your own safety, use genuine parts
and accessories approved by the manu-California Proposition 65 Warning
facturer of the MINI. California law requires us to issue the following
When you purchase accessories tested and warning:
approved by the manufacturer of the MINI and Engine exhaust and a wide variety of
Original MINI Parts, you simultaneously acquire automobile components and parts,
the assurance that they have been thoroughly including components found in the interior fur-
tested by the manufacturer of the MINI to nishings in a vehicle, contain or emit chemicals
ensure optimum performance when installed on known to the State of California to cause cancer
your vehicle. and birth defects and reproductive harm. In
The manufacturer of the MINI warrants these addition, certain fluids co ntained in vehicles and
parts to be free from defects in material and certain products of component wear contain or
workmanship. emit chemicals known to the State of California
The manufacturer of the MINI will not accept any to cause cancer and birth defects or other repro-
liability for damage result ing from installation of ductive harm.
parts and accessories not approved by the man-Battery posts, terminals and related accessories
ufacturer of the MINI. contain lead and lead compounds. Wash your
The manufacturer of the MINI cannot test every hands after handling.
product made by other manufacturers to verify Used engine oil contains chemicals that have
if it can be used on a MINI safely and without risk caused cancer in laboratory animals. Always
to either the vehicle, its operation, or its occu-protect your skin by washing thoroughly with
pants. soap and water.<
Original MINI Parts, MINI Accessories and other
products approved by the manufacturer of the Service and warranty
MINI, together with professional advice on using
these items, are available from all MINI dealers.We recommend that you read this publication
Installation and operation of accessories that thoroughly.
have not been approved by the manufacturer of Your MINI is covered by the following warran-
your MINI, such as alarms, radios, amplifiers, ties:
radar detectors, wheels, suspension compo-
nents, brake dust shields, telephones, including > New Vehicle Limited Warranty
operation of any mobile phone from within the > Rust Perforation Limited Warranty
vehicle without using an externally mounted > Federal Emissions System Defect Warranty
antenna, or transceiver equipment, for instance,
CBs, walkie-talkies, ham radios or similar acces-
Online Edition for Part no. 01402917368 - © 10/12 BMW AG

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year of production from: 2013

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