owners manual KIA Optima
owners manual KIA Optima - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Kia Optima Magentis Lotze owners manual EN
pdf (7.41 MB) 365 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Optima, year of production 2006 - 2010:
A010000AHM The general layout of the manual is pro-You will find various WARNINGs,
We want to help you get the greatest
vided in the Table of ContentsCA. A goodUTIONs, and NOTICEs in this manu-
possible driving pleasure from your vehi- place to start is the index;it has an alpha-al. These WARNINGs were prepared to
cle.Your Owner’s Manual can assist you
betical listing of all infenhance yormation in your personal safourety.You should
in many ways. We strongly recommend
manual. carefully read and follow ALL procedures
that you read the entire manual. In order and recommendations provided in these
to minimize the chance of death or injury,Sections:This manual has eight sectionsWARNINGS, CAUTIONS and NOTICES.
plus an index.Each section begins with a
you must read the WARNING and CAU-
TION sections in the manual. brief list of contents so you can tell at a
glance if that section has the informationWARNING
Illustrations complement the words in thisyou want. A WARNING indicates a situation in
manual to best explain how to enjoy your which harm, serious bodily injury or
vehicle. By reading your manual, you will death could result if the warning is
learn about features, important safety ignored.
information, and driving tips under vari-
ous road conditions.
A CAUTION indicates a situation in
which damage to your vehicle could
result if the caution is ignored.
ANOTICE indicates interesting orhelp-
ful information is being provided.
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year of production from: 2006

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Kia Optima Magentis Lotze owners manual
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