owners manual BMW 3 E46
owners manual BMW 3 E46 - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 - BMW E46 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW 3 E46, year of production 1998 - 2007:
6 Notes
Maintenance and repair Parts and accessories wheels, suspension components, brake
Advanced technology, e.g. the Important safety information!dust shields, telephones – including
use of modern materials and high-For your own safety, use genuine operation of any portable cellular phone
performance electronics, requires spe-parts and accessories approved by from within the vehicle without using an
cially adapted maintenance and repair BMW. externally mounted antenna – or trans-
methods. Therefore, only have corre-When you purchase accessories tested ceiver equipment such as a CB, walkie-
sponding work on your BMW carried and approved by BMW and Original talkie, ham radio or similar, may cause
out by a BMW center or a workshop BMW Parts, you simultaneously acquire extensive damage to the vehicle, com-
that works according to BMW repair the assurance that they have been thor-promise its safety, interfere with the
procedures with correspondingly oughly tested by BMW to ensure opti-vehicle's electrical system or affect the
trained personnel. If work is carried out mum performance when installed on validity of the BMW Limited Warranty.
improperly there is a danger of conse-your vehicle. See your BMW center for additional
quential damage and the related safety BMW warrants these parts to be free information.
risks.< from defects in material and workman-Do not use key or remote control to
ship. lock doors or luggage compartment
BMW will not accept any liability for with anyone inside the vehicle. Refer to
damage resulting from installation of the Owner's Manual for more details.<
parts and accessories not approved by Maintenance, replacement, or
BMW. repair of the emission control
BMW cannot test every product on the devices and systems may be performed
market to determine whether it can be by any automotive repair establishment
used on a BMW safely and without risk or individual using any certified auto-
to either the vehicle, its operation, or its motive part.<
Original BMW Parts, BMW Accessories Symbol on vehicle parts
and other products approved by BMW,
together with professional advice on Indicates that you should consult
using these items, are available from all the relevant section of this
BMW centers. Owner's Manual for information on a
Installation and operation of non-BMW particular part or assembly.
approved accessories such as alarms,
radios, amplifiers, radar detectors,

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year of production from: 1998

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BMW E46 owners manual
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