owners manual Renault Kangoo
owners manual Renault Kangoo - year of production: 2008 - Renault Kangoo II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Renault Kangoo, year of production 2008:
JauneNoirNoir texte
The presence and operation of the warning lights DepeND ON THe eQUIpMeNT AND COUNTRy.
ÔCoolant temperature warn- © Warning light
ing light It comes on when the ignition is
If this remains lit while driving accom- switched on, sometimes at the same
panied by the ® indicator light, it time as other warning lights and then
indicates engine overheating. Stop and goes out after several seconds.
A allow the engine to run at idle speed
for a minute or two. The temperature If the light comes on, you should visit an
should drop. If not, stop the engine. approved Dealer immediately.
Let the engine cool down, then check Depending on the vehicle, this warning
the coolant level. Contact an approved light is accompanied by a message on
Dealer if necessary. the instrument panel.
DHandbrake “on” warning Warning light for monitoring
light and brake circuit inci- Äexhaust gas
dent warning light On equipped vehicles, the light comes
This comes on when the ignition is on when the ignition is switched on then
switched on. If it comes on during brak- goes out.
® STOp light ing or when the vehicle is being driven, – If it lights up continuously accom-
It comes on when the ignition is accompanied by the ® indicator panied by the © indicator light,
switched on, sometimes at the same light, it means that one of the circuit consult an approved Dealer as soon
time as other warning lights and then levels is too low; it may be dangerous to as possible;
goes out after several seconds. continue driving. Consult an approved – If it flashes, reduce the engine speed
It indicates that it is essential to stop as Dealer. until the light stops flashing. Contact
soon as traffic conditions allow. Contact your approved Dealer as soon as
an approved Dealer as soon as possi- possible.
ble. Refer to “Emission control, fuel econ-
Depending on the vehicle, this warning omy and driving advice” in section 2.
light is accompanied by a message on
the instrument panel.
ENG_NU_813-11_FK61_Renault_1 Tableau de bord : témoins lumineux (X61 - F61 - K61 - Renault)
seat belts .(current page)
handbrake(current page)
variable power-assisted steering .(current page)
ABS .(current page)

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year of production from: 2008

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Renault Kangoo II 2 owners manual
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