owners manual Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback
owners manual Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback VIII 8 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback, year of production 2007 - 2016:
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Vehicle care and maintenance
Catalytic converter To reduce the possibility of catalytic converter damage:
N00937400405 ●Use UNLEADED GASOLINE ONLY of the type of rec-
The catalytic converter requires you to use unleaded fuel only. ommended in “Fuel selection”.
Leaded gasoline will destroy the emission-control effective- ● Do not drive with an extremely low fuel level. Running
ness of the converter. out of gas could damage the catalytic converter.
Normally, the catalytic converter does not require maintenance. ●Do not try to start the engine by pushing or towing the
However, it is important to keep the engine properly tuned for vehicle. If the battery is weak or run down, use jumper
the converter to continue to work properly. cables to properly start the engine.
●Do not idle the engine with any spark plug wires discon-
nected or removed, such as when performing diagnostic
! CAUTION tests.
●Damage to the catalytic converter can result if your ●Do not idle the engine for a long time if it is idling
vehicle is not kept in proper operating condition. If roughly or otherwise obviously malfunctioning.
the engine malfunctions or misfires, or if your vehi- ●To prevent the catalytic converter from being damaged
cle performance suffers, have it serviced promptly. from unburned gas, do not race the engine when turning
Running your vehicle when it is overheated may off the ignition switch.
result in damage to the converter and vehicle. ●Stop driving the vehicle if you think the performance is
noticeably low, or the engine has a malfunction. If you are
not able to stop driving immediately, slow down and drive
! WARNING for only a short time. Have an inspection made by an
●Do not park or run your vehicle in areas where com- authorized Mitsubishi Motors dealer or a repair facility of
bustible materials such as dry grass or leaves can your choice as soon as possible.
come in contact with a hot exhaust, since a fire could ●In unusual situations involving major engine problems, a
occur. burning odor may indicate severe and abnormal catalytic
converter overheating. If this occurs, stop in a safe place, 7
●Do not put undercoat paint on the catalytic con-
verter. shut the engine off and let the vehicle cool. Once the
engine is cool, immediately take your vehicle to an autho-
rized Mitsubishi Motors dealer or a repair facility of your
choice for service.
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year of production from: 2007
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Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback VIII 8 owners manual
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