owners manual Citroen C3
owners manual Citroen C3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C3, year of production 2002 - 2009:
When you engage reverse gear,
a sound signal confi rms to you that
the system is active. The outline of
your vehicle appears on the screen.
Any obstacles situated to the rear
1 of your vehicle can be detected.
II Proximity sensors are located in Remarks:
the rear bumper of your vehicle. The proximity sensors cannot
When you are manœuvring in detect objects that are
reverse gear at a speed of less immediately under or over the
than around 10 km/h, they inform bumpers.
you of the presence of any obsta-Activation/Deactivation A thin object such as a spike,
cle located within their detection You can activate/deactivate the a bollard or similar, can only
zone, by means of: parking assistance by pressing be detected at the start of the
An audible signal emitted by button 1. When the parking assis-manœuvre but not when the
the rear loudspeakers on the tance is inactive, the warning lamp vehicle arrives close up to it.
LH and/or RH side. on button 1 is lit up. In poor weather or in winter,
Display of the outline of Activation/deactivation of the par-you need to ensure that the
your vehicle with shading king assistance is memorised sensors are not covered with
corresponding to the area when you stop the vehicle.mud or with ice or snow.
where an obstacle is detected. This system in no way replaces
As the vehicle approaches the obs-Remark: The system is deactivated vigilance and responsibility on
tacle, the sound signal becomes automatically if a trailer is attached the part of the driver
more and more urgent and the to the vehicle.
shaded areas are displayed closer TTThhheee fififi ttttttiiinnnggg ooofff ttthhheee tttooowwwbbbaaar r r shshshooouuulllddd
and closer to the vehicle.be carried out by the CITROËN
When the obstacle is less than network.
around 25 centimetres from the
vehicle, the sound signal becomes
continuous with display of a
"WARNING" panel on the screen.
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year of production from: 2002
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manual Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual
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