owners manual Volvo XC40
owners manual Volvo XC40 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC40 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC40, year of production 2017:
2. Lower the bonnet manually.
|| Servicing the climate control system
3. When the bonnet stops against the lock The air conditioning system must only be serv-
catch, push the bonnet to close it completely. iced and repaired by an authorised workshop.
WARNING Troubleshooting and repair
The air conditioning system contains fluorescent
Risk of crushing! Ensure that the closing path tracing agents. Ultraviolet light must be used dur-
under the bonnet is not obstructed, otherwise ing leak detection.
there is a risk of personal injury. Volvo recommends that an authorised Volvo
workshop is contacted.
WARNING Cars with R134a refrigerant
Check that the bonnet locks properly whenBonnet completely closed. The figure is schematic -
closed. The bonnet must engage at bothparts may vary depending on car model.WARNING
sides audibly.
WARNING The air conditioning system contains pressur-
ised refrigerant R134a. This system must only
Never drive with an open bonnet!be serviced and repaired by an authorised
If there are any signs that the bonnet is notworkshop.
properly closed whilst driving, stop immedi-
ately and close it. Cars with R1234yf refrigerant
Related information WARNING
Engine compartment overview (p. 569)
• The air conditioning system contains pressur-
Door and seatbelt reminder (p. 47)ised refrigerant R1234yf. In accordance with
• SAE J2845 (Technician Training for Safe
Service and Containment of Refrigerants
Used in Mobile A/C System), service and
Bonnet not completely closed. The figure is schematic - repair of the refrigerant system must only be
parts may vary depending on car model. performed by trained and certified technicians
in order to ensure the safety of the system.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC40 owners manual
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