owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
3. Closethehood,trunklidandalldoors.Lockmore, if the key is turned excessively to
all doors. The doors can be locked with thethe unlock position, the system may be
key or with the keyfob. disarmed when the key is removed. If the
Keyfob operation: indicatorlightfailstoglowfor30seconds,
unlock the door once and lock it again.
● PushtheLOCKbuttononthekeyfob.All● Evenwhenthedriverand/orpassengers
doors lock. The hazard lights flash twiceare in the vehicle, the system will arm
and the horn beeps once to indicate allwith all doors, hood and trunk lid closed
doors are locked. and locked with the ignition key in the
● WhentheLOCKbuttonispushedwithallOFFposition.
doorslocked,thehazardlightsflashtwiceVehicle security system activation
and the horn beeps once as a reminder
that the doors are already locked.Thevehiclesecuritysystemwillgivethefollowing
The horn may or may not beep once.alarm:
Refer to “Silencing the horn beep fea-● The headlights blink and the horn sounds in-
ture” later in this section. termittently.
● Confirm that the SECURITY indicator light● The alarm automatically turns off after about
comes on. The SECURITY light stays on for50seconds.However,thealarmreactivates if
about 30 seconds. The vehicle security sys-the vehicle is tampered with again. The alarm
thevehiclesecuritysystemautomaticallyshiftswith the key, or by pressing the UNLOCK
LIC0053 into the armed phase. The SECURITY lightbutton on the keyfob.
begins to flash once every 3 seconds. If, dur-The alarm is activated by:
Howtoarmthevehiclesecurity sys- ing the 30-second pre-arm time period, the
tem door is unlocked by the key or the keyfob, or● openingthedoorortrunklidwithoutusingthe
the ignition key is turned to ACC or ON, thekey or keyfob (even if the door is unlocked by
1. Close all windows. (The system can besystem will not arm. releasingthedoorinsidelockswitch)oropen-
armedevenifthewindowsareopen.) ● If the key is turned slowly when lockinging the trunk lid by operating the opener lever.
2. Remove the key from the ignition switch.thedoor,thesystemmaynotarm.Further-● openthehood.
Instruments and controls 2-13
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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