owners manual Lancia Thesis
owners manual Lancia Thesis - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Lancia Thesis owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Lancia Thesis, year of production 2001 - 2009:
The front door leds are also used as In this case, the driver’s door ledDeadlock device
deterrent leds for the alarm system;comes on with green light, whereas
The deadlock device enables to dis-
as a consequence, they will flashthe leds on the other doors will
when the alarm system is on or theremain off. connect mechanically the internal
doors are locked. door handles; in this case, doors can-
When only the driver’s door isnot be opened from the inside by
The CONNECT enables to set theunlocked, after opening the driver’sacting on the handles after breaking
central locking of all the doors ordoor, also the other doors can bethe glass (improving protection
only the driver’s door. unlocked by pressing the centralagainst theft).
In the former case, all the car doors unlocking button B (fig. 35) so as to The device can be switched on by
enable passengers getting into the
are unlocked simultaneously andpressing the remote control button B
access is possible through any door. (fig. 29 ) again within 1 second after
In the second case, access is possible IMPORTANT Buttons B and C closing the doors: active function
(fig. 35) are disabled when the doors
only through the driver’s door,will be indicated by a beep and 2
are locked from the outside.
whereas the other doors are locked, further blinks of the direction indi-
thus preventing un-authorized per- cators.
sons from getting into the car. If, when the doors are closed from
the outside, one or more doorsThe device activates only if all the
and/or the boot are not closed cor-doors are properly closed.
rectly, the direction indicators will
flash rapidly for a few seconds. When the deadlock device is
switched on, the door panel leds will
flash twice with red light.
L0A6014b L0A0051b
After activating the dead
lock device it will be
impossible to get out of
the passenger compartment: for
this reason this device must be
activated only after making sure
fig. 34 fig. 35 that the passenger compartment
is empty.
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year of production from: 2001
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Lancia Thesis owners manual
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