owners manual Tesla S
owners manual Tesla S - year of production: 2012 - Tesla S owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Tesla S, year of production 2012:
Lane Departure Warning
How Lane Departure Warning Controlling Lane Departure
Works Warning
If Model S is equipped with Autopilot, aTo turn Lane Departure Warning on or off,
camera mounted on the windshield behind thetouch Controls > Settings > Driver
interior rear view mirror monitors the markersAssistance > Lane Assist.
on the lane you are driving in. If a front wheel
passes over a lane marking and the associatedLimitations and Inaccuracies
turn signal is off, you feel three slight
vibrations in the steering wheel.Lane Departure Warning can not always
Lane Departure Warning operates only whenclearly detect lane markings and you may
Model S is traveling over approximatelyexperience unnecessary or invalid warnings in
30 mph (50 km/h). these situations:
Warning: Lane Departure Warning is for•Visibility is poor and lane markings are not
guidance purposes only. Never dependclearly visible (due to heavy rain, snow,
on Lane Departure Warning to inform youfog, etc.).
of unintentionally driving outside of the•Bright light (oncoming headlights or
boundaries of the driving lane. Severaldirect sunlight) is interfering with the
external factors can reduce the camera's view.
performance of Lane Departure Warning,•Model S is being driven very close to a
causing either no readings or falsevehicle in front of it which is blocking the
readings. Therefore, depending on thiscamera's view.
system to stay within the boundaries of•The windshield area in the camera's field
the driving lane can result in serious injuryof view is obstructed (fogged over, dirty,
or death. Always keep your eyes on thecovered by a sticker, etc.).
road when driving. It is the driver's•Lane markings are excessively worn or
responsibility to stay alert, drive safely,have been adjusted due to road
ensure the vehicle stays in the travelingconstruction.
lane, and be in control of the vehicle at all•Lane markings are changing quickly (for
times. example, lanes branching off, crossing
Warning: Lane Departure Warning isover, or merging).
designed to activate when it detects lane•The road is narrow or winding.
markings. It is not designed to detect the•Objects or landscape features are casting
edge of a road. It is the driver'sstrong shadows on lane markers.
responsibility to drive attentively and stay
within the boundaries of the driving lane.
Caution: If your Model S is equipped with
Lane Departure Warning, you must take
your vehicle to Tesla Service if a
windshield replacement is needed. Failure
to do so can cause Lane Departure
Warning to malfunction.
Driving 57
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