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owners manual Mercedes SL

owners manual Mercedes SL - year of production: 2012 - Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.26 MB) 618 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SL, year of production 2012:
Jump-starting 565 Jump-starting For the jump-starting procedure, use only the jump-starting connection point, consisting of a positive terminal and a ground point, in the engine compartment. GWARNING Battery acid is caustic. There is a risk of injury. Avoid contact with the skin, eyes or clothing. Do not inhale any battery gases. Do not lean over the battery. Keep children away from batteries. Wash battery acid immediately with water and seek medical attention. GWARNING During charging and jump-starting, explosive gases can escape from the battery. There is a risk of an explosion. Particularly avoid fire, open flames, creating sparks and smoking. Ensure there is sufficient ventilation while charging and jump-starting. Do not lean over a battery. GWARNING Duringthechargingprocess,abatteryproduceshydrogengas.Ifashortcircuitoccursorsparks are created, the hydrogen gas can ignite. There is a risk of an explosion. R Makesurethatthepositive terminal of a connected battery does not come into contact withassistance vehicle parts. R Never place metal objects or tools on a battery. R It is important that you observe the described order of the battery terminals when connecting and disconnecting a battery. R Whenjump-starting, make sure that the battery poles with identical polarity are connected. Breakdown R It is particularly important to observe the described order when connecting and disconnecting the jumper cables. R Never connect or disconnect the battery terminals while the engine is running. GWARNING Adischarged battery can freeze at temperatures below freezing point. When jump-starting the vehicleorchargingthebattery,gasescanescapefromthebattery.Thereisariskofanexplosion. Allow the frozen battery to thaw out before charging it or jump-starting. !Avoidrepeatedandlengthystartingattempts.Otherwise,thecatalyticconvertercouldbe damagedbythenon-combustedfuel. If, at low temperatures, the indicator lamps/warning lamps in the instrument cluster do not light up, it is highly likely that the discharged battery has frozen. In this case, you may neither chargethebatterynorjump-startthevehicle.Theservicelife of a thawed-out battery may be shorter. The starting characteristics can be impaired, particularly at low temperatures. Have the thawed-out battery checked at a qualified specialist workshop. Z
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Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual
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