owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2012 - KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2012:
JD PE eng 7.QXP 1/28/2016 5:37 PM Page 57
When replacing a blown fuse or
relay with a new one, make sure
the new fuse or relay fits tightly
into the clips.The incomplete fas-
tening fuse or relay may cause the
vehicle wiring and electric sys-
tems damage and a possible fire.
Do not remove fuses, relays and
terminals fastened with bolts or
nuts. The fuses, relays and termi-
nals may be fastened incomplete- OJD072016 OGD071017
ly, and it may cause a possible fire.Inner panel fuse replacement3. Pull the suspected fuse straight out.
If fuses, relays and terminals fas- Use the removal tool provided in the
tened with bolts or nuts are blown,1.Turn the ignition switch and all other
switches off. engine compartment fuse panel.
we recommend that you consult 4. Check the removed fuse; replace it if it
with an authorized Kia dealer.2. Open the fuse panel cover.
is blown.
Do not input any other objects 5. Push in a new fuse of the same rating,
except fuses or relays into
fuse/relay terminals such as a driv- and make sure it fits tightly in the clips.
er or wiring. It may cause contact If it fits loosely, we recommend that you
failure and system malfunction. consult an authorized Kia dealer.
Do not plug in screwdrivers or If you do not have a spare, use a fuse of
aftermarket wiring into the terminal the same rating from a circuit you may
originally designed for fuse and not need for operating the vehicle, such
relays only. The electrical system as the cigar lighter fuse.
and wiring of the vehicle interior If the headlights, fog lights, turn signal
may be damaged or burned due to lights, position lights or interior lights do
contact failure. not work and there is nothing wrong with
the bulbs, we recommend that you con-
sult with an authorized Kia dealer.
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year of production from: 2012
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manual KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual
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