owners manual Volvo XC40
owners manual Volvo XC40 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC40 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC40, year of production 2017:
Volvo service programme Data transfer between car and WARNING
To keep the car as safe and reliable as possible,workshop via Wi-FiThe car must not be driven when connected
follow the Volvo service programme as specifiedVolvos workshops have a specific Wi-Fi networkto the workshops networks and systems.
in the Service and Warranty Booklet.for secure data transfer between your car and
Volvo recommends engaging an authorised Volvothe workshop. Your workshop visit will be sim-Related information
workshop to perform the service and mainte-pler and more efficient when the transfer of diag-Managing system updates via the Download
nostic information and software can take place•
nance work. Volvo workshops have the personnel,via the workshops network.Centre (p. 561)
special tools and service literature to guaranteeWhen you reach the workshop for your visit, yourBook service and repair (p. 562)
the highest quality of service. •
technician may want to connect your car to the
workshops network via Wi-Fi to perform fault-
IMPORTANT tracing and software download. For this type of
For the Volvo warranty to apply, check andcommunication, the car only connects to the
follow the instructions in the Service andworkshops network. It is therefore not possible
Warranty Booklet. to connect the car to another Wi-Fi network, such
as at home, but only the workshops specific net-
Related information work.
Car status (p. 562) Manual connection to the workshop
Book service and repair (p. 562)Manual connection is normally handled by the
• service technician. The technician uses your
Connection of equipment to the cars diag-
• remote control keys buttons to connect the car,
nostic socket (p. 38) which is why it is important to bring a key with
Servicing the climate control system
• buttons with you for the workshop visit. Press
(p. 568) three times on the lock button on the remote
Brake system maintenance (p. 403)control key to connect the car to the workshops
• network via Wi-Fi.
Engine compartment overview (p. 569)
When the car is connected to a Wi-Fi network,
the symbol appears in the centre display.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC40 owners manual
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