owners manual Toyota 4Runner
owners manual Toyota 4Runner - year of production: 2010 - Toyota 4Runner 5 V N280 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota 4Runner, year of production 2010:
5-2. Steps to take in an emergency
InteriorExteriorWarning Warning light/DetailsCorrection
buzzerbuzzerlight procedure
Smart key system warning
Indicates that the driver’s • Shift the shift
door has been opened and lever to P.
ContinuousContinuousclosed with the shift lever not • Confirm the
in P, the “ENGINE START location of the
STOP” switch in any mode electronic
other than off and the elec-key.
tronic key has been taken out
of the detection area
Smart key system warning
light Turn the
Indicates that the electronic “ENGINE
Sounds key has been taken out of START
Oncefor 10 (Remains the vehicle and an attempt STOP” switch
secondson for 60 was made to lock the doors off and lock
seconds)with the “ENGINE START the doors
STOP” switch in any mode again.
other than off
Smart key system warning Confirm the
light location of the
Once ⎯ Indicates that an attempt was electronic
made to drive when the elec-key.
tronic key was not present
*: If the engine does not start when the electronic key is inside the vehi-
cle, the electronic key battery may be depleted or there may be diffi-
culties receiving the signal from the key. (→P. 43 )

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year of production from: 2010

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Toyota 4Runner 5 V N280 owners manual
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