owners manual Subaru Outback
owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2014 - Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2014:
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems1-29
chorages (bars) are provided for installingIf a child restraint system is not correctlyfront seating positions.
a child restraint system. fixed in place (for example, if a child. Do not use lower anchorages
Sometypesofchildrestraintsmightnotberestraint system can be moved more than(bars) for a seat in the center
able to be secured firmly due to projection1 inch (2.5 cm) from side to side), youseating position unless a child
of the seat cushion. should install the child restraint system inrestraint system manufacturer’s
In this seating position, you should usea rear seat, window-side seating position.instructions permit and specify
only a child restraint system that has aWARNING using anchors spaced as far
bottom base that fits snugly against the apart as those in this vehicle.
contours of the seat cushion and can be. Evenwithadvancedairbags,chil-
securely retained using the seatbelt.dren can be seriously injured by
C: Rear seat, center seating positionthe airbag. Put children in the
The ALR/ELR seatbelt and an upperrear seat properly restrained at
anchorage (tether anchorage, if equipped)all times. The SRS airbag de-
are provided in this position. ploys with considerable speed
Sometypesofchildrestraintsmightnotbeand force and can injure or even
able to be secured firmly due to projectionkill children, especially if they are
of the seat cushion. not restrained or improperly re-
In this seating position, you should usestrained. Because children are
only a child restraint system that has alighter and weaker than adults,
bottom base that fits snugly against thetheir risk of being injured from
contours of the seat cushion and can bedeployment is greater.
securely retained using the seatbelt.For that reason, be sure to se-
Whenyouinstallachildrestraintsystemincure ALL types of child restraintWARNING
the rear seat’s center seating position,devices(including forward facing
raise the center head restraint.child seats) in the REAR seats atSINCE YOUR VEHICLE IS
Lower anchorages (bars) for window-sideall times. You should choose aEQUIPPED WITH A PASSENGER’S
seating positions may be used for a seatrestraint device which is appro-SRS AIRBAG, DO NOT INSTALL A
in the center seating position if a childpriate for the child’s age, heightREARWARD FACING CHILD
restraint system manufacturer’s instruc-and weight. According to acci-SAFETY SEAT IN THE FRONT PAS-
tions permit and specify using anchors asdent statistics, children are saferSENGER’S SEAT. DOING SO RISKS
far apart as those in this vehicle.when properly restrained in theSERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO
rear seating positions than in the
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year of production from: 2014
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Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual
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