owners manual BMW X1 E84
owners manual BMW X1 E84 - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - BMW X1 E84 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X1 E84, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Seite 56
Controls Driving
▷ The brake pedal remains depressed while
Before driving into a car wash
the vehicle is at a standstill.
To make it possible for the vehicle to roll in an
automatic car wash, follow the information on▷ The driver's safety belt is fastened or the
Washing in automatic car washes, refer to driver's door is closed.
page 259.
When the engine is switched off, the air volume
of the automatic climate control is reduced.
Switching off the engine
Indicator lamp in the instrument cluster
Automatic transmission
The indicator lamp lights up when the
1. Engage transmission position P with the veѪ
Auto Start/Stop function is ready to
hicle stopped.
start the engine automatically.
2. Press the Start/Stop button.
The indicator lamp lights up if the reѪ
3. Set the handbrake firmly.
quirements for an automatic engine
4. Remove the remote control from the ignition
stop are not fulfilled.
lock, refer to page 54.
Automatic Engine Start/Stop
The engine is not switched off automatically in
the following situations:
▷ External temperatures below apѪ
The concept
prox. 37 ℉/+3 ℃.
The Auto Start/Stop function helps save fuel.
▷ High external temperature and operation of
The system switches off the engine during a
the automatic climate control.
stop, for instance in congestion or at traffic
▷ The interior is not yet heated or cooled as
lights. The ignition remains switched on. The
much as desired.
engine starts automatically when you wish to
▷ The engine is not yet at operating temperaѪ
drive away.
Certain vehicle components may experience
▷ Sharp steering angle or the steering wheel
additional wear as a result of this system.
is being turned.
Automatic operation ▷ After driving in reverse.
The automatic engine Start/Stop function is opѪ▷ Fogging of the windows when the automatic
erational after each engine start. climate control is switched on.
The function is activated at a certain speed:▷ Vehicle battery charge is very low.
▷ Automatic transmission: at 5 mph/9 km/h. ▷ Hood is unlocked.
▷ HDC is activated.
Automatic engine stop
▷ Stop-and-go traffic.
The engine is switched off automatically during
▷ The selector lever is in position N or S/M.
a stop under the following conditions:
The indicator lamp is lit.
Automatic transmission:
▷ The selector lever is in transmission position
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 914 595 - VI/12

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year of production from: 2009

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BMW X1 E84 owners manual
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