owners manual Peugeot 1007
owners manual Peugeot 1007 - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Peugeot 1007 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 1007, year of production 2004 - 2009:
142 - Driving Driving - 143
Memorising a speed Changing a memorised speed
As soon as you reach the chosen To memorise a speed higher than the
speed, press button 2 or 3. This previous one:
memorises the speed, which will be F press button 2;
maintained automatically.
Note: It is possible to accelerate and F release it when you have reached
drive momentarily at a speed greater the required speed.
than the memorised speed. When To memorise a speed lower than the
the accelerator pedal is released, the previous one:
vehicle will return to the memorised F press button 3;
F release it when you have reached
the required speed.
CRUISE CONTROL Cancelling the memorised Cancelling the cruise control
Cruise control enables the vehicle speed F Place control 1 in the OFF posi-
to maintain a steady speed pro-If you wish to cancel the memorised tion or switch off the ignition when
grammed by the driver. speed: the vehicle becomes stationary.
In order for it to be memorised, the F press button 4 or the brake or
vehicle speed must be greater than clutch pedal.
25 mph (40 km/h) and fourth gear at Do not use the cruise con-
least must be engaged (second gear trol on slippery roads or in
for the "2 Tronic" gearbox). heavy trafic.
Recalling the memorised On a steep descent, the
speed cruise control will not be able to pre-
After cancellation, press button 4. vent the vehicle from exceeding the
Your vehicle will return to the last programmed speed.
memorised speed. The cruise control cannot, in any
Operation circumstances, take the place of the
F Place control 1 in the ON posi- observance of speed limits nor of
tion. the vigilance or responsibility of the
A speed can be memorised. driver.
To prevent jamming under the ped-
F Place control 1 in the OFF posi- - ensure that the mat is positioned
tion to cancel. correctly,
- never it one mat on top of another.

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year of production from: 2004

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