owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Tires and wheels
Rotating tires If applicable to your vehicle’s tire configu-Warning!G
ration, tires can be rotated according to
the tire manufacturer’s recommended in-
Warning! G tervals in the tire manufacturer’s warranty Have the tightening torque checked after
pamphlet located in your vehicle literature changing a wheel. Wheels could become
Rotate front and rear wheels only if the tires portfolio. If none is available, tires should loose if not tightened with a torque of
are of the same dimension. be rotated every 3000 to 6000 miles 110lb-ft (150 Nm).
If your vehicle is equipped with mixed-size (5000 to 10000 km), or sooner if neces-Only use genuine Mercedes-Benz wheel
tires (different tire dimensions front vs. sary, according to the degree of tire wear. bolts specified for your vehicle’s rims.
rear), tire rotation is not possible.The same rotation (spinning) direction
must be maintained (
page523). For information on wheel change, see the
“Practical hints” section (
Tire rotation can be performed on vehicles Rotate tires before the characteristic tire page649).
with tires of the same dimension all wear pattern becomes visible (shoulder
around. If your vehicle is equipped with wear on front tires and tread center wear
tires of the same dimension all around, on rear tires).
tires can be rotated, observing a Thoroughly clean the mounting face of
front-to-rear rotation pattern that will wheels and brake disks, i.e. the inner side
maintain the intended rotation (spinning) of the wheels/tires, during each rotation.
direction of the tire ( page 523).Check for and ensure proper tire inflation
In some cases, such as when your vehicle pressure.
is equipped with mixed-size tires (different
tire dimension front vs. rear), tire rotation
is not possible.

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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