owners manual Acura MDX
owners manual Acura MDX - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Acura MDX II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Acura MDX, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Checking the Battery
ThesensoronthenegativeterminalChecktheterminalsforcorrosion (a
monitors your vehicles batterywhite or yellowish powder). ToThebattery gives off explosive
condition. removeit, cover the terminals with ahydrogengasduringnormal
If there is a problem with the sensor,solution of baking soda and water. Itoperation.
youwill see a ‘‘CHECK BATTERYwill bubble up and turn brown. When
SENSOR’’messageonthemulti-this stops, wash it off with plainAsparkorflamecancausethe
information display. Have the vehiclewater. Dry off the battery with a clothbattery to explode with enough
checkedbyyourdealer. or paper towel. Coat the terminalsforce to kill or seriously hurt
with grease to help prevent furtheryou.
If additional battery maintenance isWearprotective clothing and a
needed, see your dealer or aface shield, or have a skilled
qualified technician. technician do the batteryMaintenance
WARNING:Batteryposts, maintenance.
terminals, and related accessories
contain lead and lead compounds.If the radio fuse is removed, the
Washyourhandsafterhandling.audio system will disable itself. The
If you need to connect the battery tonext time you turn on the radio you
a charger, disconnect both cables towill see ‘‘ENTER CODE’’ in the
prevent damaging your vehicle'sfrequency display. Use the preset
electrical system. Always disconnectbuttons to enter the digit code (see
the negative (-) cable first, andpage307).
reconnect it last.
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year of production from: 2006
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Acura MDX II 2 owners manual
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Acura MDX II 2 owners manual
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