owners manual BMW X6M F16
owners manual BMW X6M F16 - year of production: 2014 - BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 55
Transporting children safely Controls
possible and adjust its height to the highestUnlocking the safety belt
position to obtain the best possible position for
1. Open the belt buckle.
the belt and to offer optimal protection in the
2. Remove the child restraint fixing system.
event of an accident.
3. Allow the belt webbing to be pulled in comѪ
Do not change the seat position and height afѪ
ter this.
Backrest width
LATCH child restraint fixing
Before mounting a child restraint fixing system
on the front passenger seat, open the backrest
width, refer to page 45, completely. Do not
LATCH: Lower Anchors and Tether for ChilѪ
change the backrest width after this.
Backrest width for the child seat
Before installing a child restraint fixing
system in the front passenger seat, the backѪ Manufacturer's information for LATCH
rest width must be opened completely. Do not child restraint fixing systems
change the adjustment after this; otherwise,
To mount and use the LATCH child restraint
the stability of the child seat will be reduced.◀
fixing systems, observe the operating and
safety information from the system manufacѪ
turer; otherwise, the level of protection may be
Child seat security
Mounts for the lower LATCH anchors
The lower anchors may be used to attach the
CRS to the vehicle seat up to a combined child
and CRS weight of 65 lb/30 kg when the child
is restrained by the internal harnesses.
Correctly engage the lower LATCH anѪ
The rear safety belts and the safety belt for the
Make sure that the lower LATCH anchors have
front passenger can be locked to prevent exѪ
properly engaged and that the child restraint
tension in order to permit attachment of child
fixing system is resting snugly against the
restraint fixing systems.
backrest; otherwise, the degree of protection
offered may be reduced.◀
Locking the safety belt
1. Pull out the belt webbing completely.
2. Secure the child restraint fixing system
with the belt.
3. Allow the belt webbing to be pulled in and
pull it taut against the child restraint fixing
system. The safety belt is locked.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 910 899 - VII/13
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year of production from: 2014
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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