owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Safety features of your vehicle
Booster seats Installing a Child Restraint• Secure the child in the child
A booster seat is a restraint designedSystem (CRS)restraint. Make sure the child is
to improve the fit of the vehicle’s seatAfter selecting a proper child seat forproperly strapped in the child
belt system. A booster seat positions restraint according to the manufac-
your child, check to make sure it fits
turer instructions.
the seat belt so that it fits properly
over the lap of your child.properly in your vehicle. Follow the
instructions provided by the manu-
Keep your child in a booster seat
facturer when installing the child
until they are big enough to sit in the
seat. Note these general steps when
seat without a booster and still have
installing the seat to your vehicle:
the seat belt fit properly. For a seat
• Properly secure the child
belt to fit properly, the lap belt must
restraint to the vehicAll childle.
lie snugly across the upper thighs,
restraints must be secured to the
not the stomach.The shoulder belt
vehicle with the lap part of a
should lie snug across the shoulder
and chest and not across the neck orlap/shoulder belt or with the
LATCH system.
face. Children under age 13 must
• Make sure the child restraint is
always ride in the rear seats and
firmly secured.After installing a
must always be properly restrained
to minimize the risk of injury.child restraint to the vehicle, push
and pull the seat forward and from
side-to-side to verify that it is
securely attached to the seat. A
child restraint secured with a seat
belt should be installed as firmly as
possible. However, some side-to-
side movement can be expected.
3 38
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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