owners manual Citroen C4 Picasso
owners manual Citroen C4 Picasso - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - Citroen C4 Picasso I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C4 Picasso, year of production 2004 - 2013:
A ir vents A ir conditioning Se nsors
The air vents to the face have grilles To ensure that your system operates
and thumbwheels to adjust the air fl ow correctly, it is recommended that you
and direction (up-down, right-left). have it checked regularly.
Water arising from condensation
in the air conditioning drains away
III A ir circulation through a hole provided for this pur-
pose. A pool of water may thus form
under the vehicle when stationary.
Air vents on the fl oor underneath the
To preserve the sealing of the air
front seats provide enhanced heat-
conditioning compressor, operate
ing for the rear seat positions; take
the air conditioning at least once a
care not to obstruct them.
Regardless of the season, the air
The automatic regulation of the air
D ust filter/Odour filter (active conditioning is useful, since it re-
conditioning in the passenger com-
carbon) moves humidity and condensation.
partment uses a number of sensors
To be effective, the air conditioning
(sunshine sensor, ambient tempera-
should only be used with the win-
There is a fi lter for excluding odours
ture sensor.) that relieve you of the
dows closed.
and dust.
need to make frequent adjustments
If after a lengthy stop in bright sunlight
This fi lter has to be changed in to the displayed temperature.
the interior temperature is excessive,
accordance with the vehicle's ser-
Take care not to obstruct the sun-
air the passenger compartment by
vicing schedule (see "Maintenance
shine sensor, located on the dash-
opening the windows for a few mo-
and Warranty Guide").
board behind the instrument panel.
ments, then close them again.
The air conditioning operates by using
power from the engine. This results in
a slight increase in fuel consumption.
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year of production from: 2004
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