owners manual Peugeot 407
owners manual Peugeot 407 - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Peugeot 407 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 407, year of production 2004 - 2011:
AUTOMATIC REGULATION OF For even air distribution, take care The water formed by the air conditioning
THE AIR CONDITIONING not to obstruct the exterior air intake condensation is discharged via an
grille located at the bottom of the opening provided for this purpose.
Use of the automatic regulation of windscreen, the vents, the air outlets Therefore, a puddle of water may
the air conditioning is recommended. under the front seats and the air form underneath the vehicle when
It permits automatic and optimised extractor located behind the flaps in stationary.
control of all of the following functions: the boot. If the system does not produce cold
air flow, passenger compartment air, do not use it and contact your
temperature, air distribution, economy In certain cases of particularly arduous PEUGEOT dealer.
or air recirculation mode, by means of use (towing the maximum load on a
various sensors (exterior temperature, steep gradient in hot weather), cutting 1. Centre panel vents.
interior temperature, sunshine), so off the air conditioning permits recovery
preventing the need for you to change of the engine power and therefore 2. Temperature and humidity
your reference settings other than the improvement of the towing capacity.sensor.
value displayed. In addition, a humidity Pull the blinds on the rear door 3. Adjustment of the glove box
sensor anticipates the formation of windows and the rear screen.air flow (see section "Interior
condensation in the vehicle during its layout").
use. Close the windows to benefit from the 4. Air outlet to passenger footwells.
full effectiveness of the air conditioning. 5. Two ventilation vents at the rear
Ensure that the passenger compartment at the base of the centre console
filter is in good condition. Have the between the passengers.
Do not cover the temperature and filter elements replaced periodically.
humidity sensor 2 and the sunshine If you drive in a dusty environment, 6. Side vents.
sensor 9. replace it twice as often. 7. Front windows de-icing or
They are required for regulation of the The air conditioning system does not demisting vents.
air conditioning. contain chlorine and is not harmful to 8. Windscreen de-icing or demisting
the ozone layer. vents.
Advice on operation Operate the air conditioning system 9. Sunshine sensor.
To obtain even ventilation, for 5 to 10 minutes, once or twice a 10. Air diffuser grille.
avoid closing the air diffuser month, to keep it in perfect working
grille 10. order.
In hot weather, in order to obtain
intense ventilation, you can close the Air diffuser
air diffuser grille 10 and use vents 1 The air diffuser grille, located at the
and 6 only. top of the centre console, significantly
If, when the vehicle has been parked improves distribution and flows and
in the sun for a long time, the interior prevents air currents, while maintaining
temperature remains very high, do not an optimum temperature inside the
hesitate to ventilate the passenger passenger compartment.
38 compartment for a few minutes.

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year of production from: 2004

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